Book Virtuoso properties 24/7 with this valuable tool
A quick weekend away or business trip where you only need a hotel room is the time to use this booking engine. When you want a full itinerary, need multiple hotels, connecting rooms, or anything more detailed, it is best to work directly with us!

Here’s how it works:
Visit the Online Booking Portal.
Enter your destination, dates, and number of travelers to compare hotels and amenities.
Select Jane Braun – Saddle Hill Travel as your advisor when you book
Relax! We will be notified and will manage your reservation from start to finish.
Things to Know:
- Worried about your amenities? Don’t! We will work behind the scenes, making certain that you receive the Virtuoso VIP recognition, perks and amenities you deserve.
- Can’t find the hotel you want? If you find a Virtuoso hotel you want to book but it is not available for online booking, email Saddle Hill Travel with your request, and we will take care of it!
- Something doesn’t look right? If you have any questions on the rates or feedback on this tool, don’t hesitate to reach out. We will get to the bottom of it!
- Don’t forget about Preferred Partner Programs! You can get even better value at Four Seasons, Ritz-Carlton, Belmond, Dorchester Collection, Mandarin Oriental, Peninsula, Rosewood, and more when you contact us directly.